Shypot Waterfall
Shypot» waterfall is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Mizhgirya region. It is situated outside the village
Pilipets (ua:
Пилипець) on the river Ploshanka at the foot of the Borzhavskyj ridge between the spur
Velykyj Verkh (1598 masl) and mount
Gymba (1491 masl). There are beautiful fields at 100 meters above the waterfall where since 1993 the annual meetings of hippies and other alternative youth are held.
In all the sources where «Shypot» Waterfall is mentioned you can get different information about its height. The smallest one was
3 meters. The largest one was
17 meters. In fact, it is difficult to judge about the height of the waterfall. For example, if you take its main part which consists of three major cascades where the water flows as quickly as possible then their height is of 8-9 meters. But above it there are some more cascades which add 1-2 meters to it. And at the bottom there are a few low ones but they can be related to the waterfall. They can add some meters to it. Other words, if to take into account all the cascades the height of the waterfall can reach 13-15 meters. It can`t be in the first place among the highest waterfalls of Transcarpathia but it is on the second place. Waterfall
Trufanets in Rakhiv region is on the first place. Some official sources report its height is of 36 meters. Nevertheless, the tourists called Shypot "the most beautiful waterfall in Transcarpathia".
We pass the village Pylypets in the direction of the ridge then turn in the center of the village from the main road. Hundred meters of bad road and we are already at the checkpoint. We pay some hryvnias to enter and we can admire the beauty of the local nature.
One path goes to the right of the stream and ends above the waterfall. Another one seems more as ground road goes to the left of the stream. The stream is covered every ten meters by such artificial waterfalls. There are recreation areas, wooden tables, gazebos, "grybky" on both sides of them.
The slope of the stream is steeper closer to the waterfall "Shypot". After 100 meters you can hear the buzz and it is cold even in hot summer day.
There is a beautiful "Shypot" round the corner. The photo below I have taken from the lowest cascade. People are at the background and at the foreground in the picture. They are here to assess the scale. There cannot be seen two more cascades off the top of the review path.
Agree, there cannot be «5» or «7» meters…
As I have told it is really cold near the waterfall. Notice how the girls are pressing to each other in the photo...
And this is the view on the main three cascades of «Shypot». If you look closely you can see the beginning of other two cascades.
Go back 50 meters and go up the steep path to the observation platform above the waterfall... Look to the left there you can see 75% of the total height of the waterfall.
And here is the «top» of the waterfall. You can see two cascades. There is an "extreme" bridge through two big stones where the steep path goes into the side of the fields over the waterfall. The ground road leads straight to the checkpoint so it is not necessary to use it. Only drunk as a lord can go this road.
And this is the view from the «high rock» of the waterfall on the low observation place…

19.04.2011. 09:40
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